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  • Bomber Man / Dyna Blaster for Windows

    Posted on January 6th, 2015 admin No comments

    Bomber Man may be the more popular name of this game, but in 1992 for me it was Dyna Blaster on the Amiga. In 2010 I converted the Amiga version to Windows. This game has so many conversions but it was fun to made my own version. Tests were successful on Windows XP and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit). It’s just a single exe, no install is required.

    Click on the picture to download the game

    This is just the “deathmatch” part of the game. I didn’t/won’t plan the single player story mode.

    The players can be controlled by keys and/or gamepads. Gamepads have priority over keys, so if you have 5 gamepads connected you won’t need the keyboard at all. First player without a gamepad has the cursor keys + space, second player without a gamepad has W,A,S,D,CTRL keys. Maximum of two players can be controlled by keys. You can always interrupt the game with the ESC key. If you know Dyna Blaster you’ll be familiar with this version too.

    Select 2-5 players

    The game starts in windowed mode by default, but there is a –fullscreen cmdline option.

    Dyna Blaster requires DirectX 9. If you encounter the following error “The program can’t start because d3dx9_43.dll is missing from your computer”, you may need to install DirectX 9 runtime. Visit this page:
    It just downloads a small dxwebsetup.exe program which will install all the required components (which takes a few minutes). No computer restart will be required.

    Short development history:

    In December of 2010 I started to convert the Amiga version. For the first playable version I used Delphi. 90% of the work was done in Delphi. At some point I switched to Visual Studio so the latest version is in C. Frankly, I tried Free Pascal too but encountered a serious show-stopper bug. The lack of a good IDE/Debugger annoyed me. After a vast amount of debugging with GDB I dropped Free Pascal. It seemed a compiler bug since it worked fine in Delphi. The C version progressed very well, but the development halted in February 2011. The latest version is almost finished, fully playable and faithful to the original Amiga version. I examined the original pixel-by-pixel to learn every little detail of the game. In my opinion my conversion is very authentic. I planned network play and computer controlled player AI for version two. A game options menu is also in consideration. Advanced bombs (sticky, jumping etc) would be great. We’ll see…

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